The work you do every day to raise your children is the most important work in the world! Every effort you make has a ripple affect that changes generations to come!
There is no way to be a perfect a mom, but you are exactly the mom your kids need! YOU have all the answers already - I am just here to help you uncover them!
Mom's need fun too! It reduces stress, improves your relationships and helps you access your brilliance. There is power in having fun WITH your family!
I have always wanted to be a mom, but I haven't always enjoyed it. For years I was so overwhelmed trying to be the perfect mom and get my kids to behave. I missed so many of the beautiful moments along the way!
Motherhood has taught me so much about having faith, letting go and learning how to access my intuition to find answers for my family.
It has been the greatest gift of my life to learn how to truly LOVE my kids.
And this one shift has impacted every part of my life! It has transformed my relationships with my kids and made my experience of motherhood so much more joyful. It has improved my relationship with God. It has filled me with purpose and hope and made me a better wife, friend, daughter and human.
It didn't happen overnight. It took intentional effort and lots of mistakes along the way (and to be honest, I am still learning!)
But no work I have ever done has been more rewarding (although, watching my clients experience this same transformation is a close second)!
I want that for you!
Are you ready? Let's do this!